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A slave factory is were slaves work

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Q: What is a slave factory?
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Southern slave owners criticized factory owners in the North because?

Type your answer here... free factory workers were treated worse than slaves.

What is the method of changing goods used by African and white slave traders?

sleve factory

Is it true that slave owners claimed their slaves were better off than immigrant factory workers.?


What did a free ancient Greek slave do?

A slave was not free, that was why he/she was a slave - a chattel of his owner. Slaves were used as domestics, for agriculture, mining, tradesmen, factory workers, or any variety of other tasks. The Athenian state owned Scythians who doubled as police and horse archers.

Was beretta model 1934 mfg date 1940 made by the fascists?

Depends on the workers who were in the factory. Were they slave labor or volunteers?

Is lyddie a slave?

No, Lyddie is not a slave. She is a character in the historical novel "Lyddie" by Katherine Paterson and works in a factory during the industrial revolution in the 19th century in Massachusetts. While she faces harsh working conditions and poverty, she is not enslaved.

How Did slave owners support their use of slaves?

slave owners supported their use of slaves by saying they were good for the economy and because they were doing them a favor by letting them as slaves because they actually got a house and food for free unlike factory workers who had to rent it

Who had the better life the slave or the factory worker?

It is impossible to compare and determine who had a better life between a slave and a factory worker as both experienced immense hardships and injustice in different ways. Slaves endured severe exploitation, abuse, and the denial of basic human rights, while factory workers faced dangerous working conditions, long hours, and limited job security. Both groups suffered greatly, and their experiences cannot be compared or deemed better or worse than the other.

Why would southern slave holders say that they treat their slaves better than northern factory owners did their free labor factor workers?

because southern slaves are stupid

What was the three purposes of auschitz concentration camp?

1. To kill jews cheaply, efficently and quickly 2. To make seriouse profit from slave labouring 3. To become a death factory

Why did The South have a greater demand for slaves than the North?

Because the plantations could use slave labour, but the Northern factory-based system was not suited to it. The factories needed mobile, skilled labour.

Cd player in a 92 Buick regal?

Yes, there was a factory CD player in a1992 Buick Regal. It was separate from the radio like the cassette player. It was referred to as a Remote or Slave CD player.