It depends on the context, but generally read() will return a single byte of data from a Reader or InputStream, while readLine() will read characters from a Reader until a newline is found.
and this method is deprecated now.and this is a method of DataInputStram class
Yes, when you read Fx aloud can you can shorten it to F of x.
Any angular size between 0 and 90 degrees. An OBTUSE angle is one whose size is between 90 & 180 degrees. A REFLEX angle is one whose angle is between 180 & 360 degrees. NB To correct your English grammar . The question should read ' What size is an acute angle'. When the noun following the indefinite article 'a', begins with a vowel 'a,e,i,o,u'. then the indefinite article is 'an'. In this case it is 'an acute', NOT 'a acute'.
The x axis is read first when plotting points in the form (x,y) on the xy-plane.
you write it the way you read it
Read key is able to read one char symbol aka key. Read is able to read many symbols for one time, it reads up to that moment when it finds new line symbol or other specific manipulation instructions.
The readline statement method of programming will allow for the next statement in the sequence to be read. The writeline method of programming only allows for the current statement or sequence to be read after determining the end of the last line.
Java provides several XML Parsers like DOM, SAX or JDOM and API javax.xml.parsers by using those we can easily read xml files in Java. DOM is quickest and easiest way to read XMlL file in Java.
Yes. Due to Java being an interpreted language, almost any system can read it. In fact, I'm running vista with java right now.
FileReader used to read the character stream in the file.i.e a file that contanis only the character means FileReader is the choice to read the file.On the other hand if the file contains image,byte like raw data format means FileInputStream is the choice to read the data in the file,.
a=153 a=n%10;
Hi You should read Java API , there is every thing that you need.
The difference is that ,,,You have to read the book!
Java barcode reader is barcode reader in java applications which can read out the information encoded in the barcode.
Yes you can...
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