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The airspeed indicator is quite a delicate instrument. You could damage it by blowing hard down the pipe, just using your mouth, not a air hose. The baffle is often contained in a screw-off end, of the pitot. This has a restricted hole, so that air passes through to transmit the pressure, relative to speed to the instrument.

The volume of air is kept very low, due to the restriction. Any dirt or insects that get through the larger hole in the "bullet" end of the pitot, should be stopped by the baffle.

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Q: What is the use of baffle plate in pitot tube?
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One way to measure airspeed is to use a device called a pitot tube.

What is the use af a baffle plate in the storage tank?

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What is the tool use to measure speed?

An anemometer is used to measure wind speed. A Pitot Tube is used to infer speed in an aeroplane,. A speedometer in an ordinary car, and a microwave or laser radar in a Police car.

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Two methods of producing dynamic pressure are through the use of a venturi tube, which accelerates fluid flow and increases its velocity, resulting in higher dynamic pressure; and through the use of a pitot tube, which measures the impact pressure of a moving fluid and can be used to calculate dynamic pressure.

How can i Remove the muffler baffles in a 1996 virago?

All you have to do is drill the rivets that you see holding the beauty plate in the ends of the muffler. After you do this the beauty plate will come off and reveal another plate. Then the tricky part. You will see the diameter of the inner baffle, you need to find to hole saws. 1 for the inner tube outside diameter and 1 for the inside diameter of the exhaust to cut out after drilling the inner exhaust one out. Then you can look in and notice the baffle being held in place in three spot wher it is welded to the inside diameter of the pipe. You can use a long saw saw blade or something to cut at it or as I have heard other ppl say they just grabbed it with some vise grips and wiggled and tugged on it till it broke free , either way gives you the same result"NO BAFFLE" You will probably like the sound better than factory but Keep in mind you virago will never sound like a Harley even with a nice set of Aftermarket slip ons. I know I have a XV1000 and have done the baffle removal and aftermarkets. Though they do sound good.

How does a anemometre work?

An anemometer measures wind speed by using cups or propellers that rotate in response to the wind. The rate of rotation is then converted into a wind speed reading. Some anemometers also use ultrasonic or pitot tube technology to measure wind speed.

What is the difference between a manometer and a pitot?

A manometer is a device for measuring pressures, especially the word is used for pressure meters that are constructed to use a liquid in a transparent U-tube. A peizometer is specifically about measuring pressures in ground water wells.

Which valve is the preferred valve to use as flow control valve at the pump discharge 8 inch size ball valve can be used for the same application?

I would use a butterfly valve to set the flow and a pitot tube to measure it. Nexus Valve makes a good one and it is price competetive as well.

Would you please use 'baffle' in a sentence for me?

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Heating the liquid in a test tube?

When heating a liquid in a test tube, make sure to use a Bunsen burner or a hot plate, and gently heat the bottom of the test tube. Avoid heating the liquid too quickly to prevent bumping or boiling over. Use a test tube holder to hold the test tube and prevent accidental spills or burns.