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less air resistance because air density is less.

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Q: What are the characteristics of the stratosphere that make it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?
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What are three characteristics of the stratosphere that make it ideal for the Concorde to travel?

the stratosphere is my nuts

What are the characteristics of this layer that make it the ideal for the Concorde to travel?

I have no idea

What are the characteristics of this layer that make it the ideal layer the Concorde to travel?

I have no idea

What are the characteristics of this layer that make it the ideal layer for the Concorde travel?

I have no idea

What are the characteristics of this layer that make it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?

I have no idea

What are the the characteristics of this layer that makes it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?

The Concorde aircraft cruised at Mach 2 at about 19,000 m (62,000 ft), and the SR-71 cruised at Mach 3 at 26,000 m (85,000 ft), all within the stratosphere.

What are the characteristics of this layer that makes it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?

The stratosphere is the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel due to its high altitude, which reduces air resistance, allowing for faster speeds. Additionally, the stratosphere's stable atmospheric conditions provide smooth flying conditions for the Concorde, enhancing passenger comfort. The stratosphere also offers lower turbulence and less weather disturbances, enabling efficient and safe travel for the supersonic aircraft.

What are the characteristic of the layer that make it the ideal layer for the Concorde to travel?

I have no idea

What characteristics of the stratosphere make it ideal for planes?

The air molecules in the stratosphere are far apart. This causes less wind resistance and allows planes to fly faster and achieve better fuel economy.

What is the ideal zone for ozone?

The ideal zone for ozone is stratosphere. It is because the temperature and pressures that are being required for depletion and replenishment are there in stratosphere.

Does the ozone layer form in the stratosphere?

The ozone layer forms in the stratosphere by UV rays. The stratosphere is the ideal location for its formation.

Which atmospheric layer is ideal for flying jet aircraft?
