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Yes because you are practically an adult. It may depend on what company you travel with.Answer: you can travel between 5-12 alone however the airlines will accompany your ever movement. The airlines charges your parents for this. You can not make a connection flight without an airline escort.
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Yes. Everbody needs a passport to travel outside their native borders. Internal flight rules may be different, it depends on the carrier and local law.

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what type of id do a 14yr. old need for traveling on a plane

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Q: Does a 13 year old need photo id when travelling with parent?
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Does a 13 year old travelling in the us with a non parent family member need a photo id?

While it does not hurt to have a photo Identification, the answer is quite simply, no.

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No, not necessarily. As an example, travelling between the USA and UK or vice versa on a major airline, a small fee can be paid for an unaccompanied minor. The airline will ensure the 16 year old or younger is safely delivered. It does need a parent/guardian to drop the child off at the airport and complete paperwork and for a parent/legal guardian/ grand parent etc to pick up the child and sign the paper work at the other end.

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No, you will need a parent/guardian to accompany you

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Not without permission of the parent with legal custody. Or they will need a court order.

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Not if they're travelling from Northern Ireland, but from anywhere else he/she does.

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You would need the signature of a parent or a judge.

Can a 13 year old get a nose piercing?

Yes, but you will need to have a parent or guardian accompanying you.

Is it legal to get a tattoo at the age of 16 but accompanied by an 18 year old?

You need parent permission. If your going to get one without the parent you need to be 18 and have identification. (license showing your 18.)