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Q: As an air molecules move over and under wings of an airplane the pressure increases below the wings to create which of the following?
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As air molecules move over and under wings of an airplane the pressure increases below the wings to create which of the following?


Why does the lift on an airplane wing increase as the speed of the airplane increases?

The lift on an airplane wing increases as the speed of the airplane increases due to the Bernoulli's principle. Faster airspeed over the wing creates lower pressure, and higher pressure underneath the wing generates lift. This relationship creates more lift force as airspeed increases.

When you are landing in an airplane does the air pressure increase or decrease?

When landing in an airplane, the air pressure typically increases as the aircraft descends closer to the ground. This is because the air becomes more compressed due to the decrease in altitude, resulting in higher air pressure inside the cabin.

Why does the volume of a gas decrease when pressure increases?

As pressure increases, the molecules of the gas are compressed, reducing the amount of space between molecules, which results in a decreased volume.

What happens when your airplane takes off from an airstrip on the ground and rises 30000 feet into the sky what happens to the air pressure on the outside of the airplane?

As the airplane ascends to 30,000 feet, the air pressure outside the airplane decreases. This is because air pressure decreases with altitude due to less air molecules exerting pressure on the aircraft. The difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the airplane is managed by the aircraft's pressurization system to ensure a comfortable environment for passengers and crew.

How molecules react when pressure causes a balloon to get bigger?

When pressure is exerted on a balloon, the molecules inside it are pushed closer together. This increases the frequency and force of their collisions with the balloon's walls, causing it to expand as the pressure builds up. The balloon will continue to enlarge until the outward pressure from the molecules inside is balanced by the inward pressure from the external pressure.

Why the pressure of a gas increases when it's temperature increases?

A simple way to think about it is: the pressure is the force per unit of area that a gas exerts on it's container caused by the molecules colliding with the container's walls. As the temperature increases, the molecules have more energy and collide with more force, so the pressure increases.

What happens to the pressure and molecules inside. A football that is being pumped up apex?

The pressure increases, and the molecules collide with the football's inner surface.

Why does pressure increases when force is exerted?

If the temperature of the gas is increased, the average kinetic energy of its molecules increases. Therefore, the molecules hit the wall "harder" and also more frequently. The total force due to the collisions is greater. Therefore the pressure increases.

Why does an increase in the number of molecules increase the pressure?

An increase in the number of molecules increases the frequency of molecular collisions with the container walls. With more collisions per unit time, the average force exerted by the molecules on the walls increases, resulting in an increase in pressure.

How does pressure change as the distance from earth increases?

As distance from Earth increases, the atmospheric pressure decreases. This is because there are fewer air molecules present at higher altitudes, leading to lower pressure.

As altitude increases air pressure .?

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases. This is because there are fewer air molecules in the atmosphere at higher altitudes, leading to lower pressure.