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The reason why employers hire people with a strong work ethic because they have a high education or more things that are required to have in order to have that job.

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Q: Why employers prefer to hire people with a strong work ethic?
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What is the purpose of flat tax?

Such an astute question deserves a detailed intelligent answer; but don't pre-suppose what that will be. Assume first, that push come to shove, the King will get his portion. The concept of "income" tax is Biblical (or at least ancient) in nature, when the King of the Universe suggested an optional 10% duty. Originally, we (the surfs) were expected to con-tribute to the King, according to all our "increase". That sounds like, what's left over MORE after living expense. But, government has never left it at just that; rather, they want all they can get, and so the game begins.So long as you have an INCOME tax, the duty is centered around "what is income". The rate is simply a function of mathematics. When government has control of deciding what income IS, your only option is to pay-up or hide. Eventually, government's appetite for your money became so great, that they began levying a tax on your activity also, such as smoking or driving, and even on DYING! Now, the government spends little time on taxing your income, because you are so conditioned to paying it, by withholding and filing, they simply process and consume it. Rather, the game consists NOW of managing your enjoyment, by taxing what they what you to do less of (or more of). It is highly un-American to put such a weight on the American work ethic, and make saving on taxes synonomous with producing less goods. It destroys our world-class position as producers.So the concept of a "FLAT" tax is not possible for any believable time period, as the controlling factor is still whatever government decides. Our current income tax system started as a Flat Tax in 1913, and has been essentially a flat - percent several times in it's 100 year history, all decided by the politics of the time. What people REALLY mean, in espousing "The Flat Tax" is -- "Won't someone rescue me from this massive tax code!" And so, the government response is, tax simplification, in exchange for tax INCREASE! It only looks like it's flat, and as such deserves the term "Flattery" tax. The government gets to process and consume more of your money as you willingly contribute it, and stop so much avoidance. Simple for you to pay, simple for them to process, and --simple for them to control your activity. And, since anyone who works must pay the same amount, it's the most regressive tax EVER! Of course, if you don't work, or are rich and don't need to work, you try to garner for yourself either power or subsidy payments, so why bother working! Socialism is good, for awhile, until it isn't.The LIE is that people actually believe that the Flat Tax (personal tax on individual income,w/ NO deduction) will be about 15% (the popular focus-group number). What about Social Security 12.4%, Medi-Care 2.9%, and the hidden 22% in corporate tax? What about gift tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, and all the other Federal taxes? The dirty little secret is, you pay them now, and you'll pay them then too. So, your true tax is over 53% of what you earn. Add to those, all the local taxes for civic services, and the IRS' cousins the State income tax. They told you, that it was going to be just one simple rate! And for that, you still get a bankrupt Social Security/Medi-Care system, and a FICA withholding that will go from 34% to 55% before you have a word to say about it.Now, "what legislation by your Congressmen" will be the mechanism of this tax-grab? Answer, NONE! The legislation was done decades ago, so now the Treasury and the Ways & Means club simply "declare" the new rules. You can't vote on it, or FOR it; you just allow them to do it to you. So much for taxation by reason of elected representation. (have some more Kool-Aid)If you love freedom, (and you DO) you need a tax where "You pay, when YOU say". A tax that isn't on INCOME at all, but on consumption. Who controls that? YOU DO! You see every dime that you give your government, and get to watch what they do with it. You can use your power of boycot, or your vote to make them "do as you want" It's called, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." We did it for 163 years before the income tax, and became a world power. Now we've taxed and spent ourselves into the most debtor nation on the planet, where poor people drive 2 new model cars and own a home, and middle-class are joining the ranks of the poor, because they don't have the simple control of what happens to their own money."What is the PURPOSE of flat tax"? It's to keep you from knowing what government is doing, and to keep you from taking back your right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. They KNOW you're on the verge of full-blown tax revolt, and are busy rocking you back to sleep. If you EVER get to that place, where you can do what you want with the fruits of your labor, you'll never allow a trade of a "simpler tax form" to file, in exchange for another chunk of freedom.But it wouldn't be "fair" to just get you all riled up, and stop here. So consider this: (1-800-FairTax) It's the consumption tax that completely gets rid of ALL Federal taxes mentioned above, ends the IRS (which flat tax does not) super-charges the American economy, saves Social Security & Medi-Care, puts people in control of their Federal government by supporting States rights, and NEVER taxes ANYONE on the necessities of life (poor people pay 0%). There's a bill now in Congress (HR25/S396-currently buried by the power mongering lobbyists) and may very well take a Constitutional Amendment to repeal what they took from you in the 16th Amendment (passed in the dead of night) So long as there is ANY kind of income tax, flat, graduated, complex, or simple; you have no control of your money, and therefore no freedom outside of what government ALLOWS you to do.

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