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You could be, but you don't have to be. Sometimes women can become irregular with their menstrual cycles. Do a pregnancy test or take a visit to your doctor just to be sure.

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Q: Your period is four days late could you be pregnant?
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You are on the nuvaring birth control you have only had it in for four days but you have had your period within those days Is it possible for you to get pregnant since you have had sex for three days.?

good new is you had your period meaning you are not pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant if we get intercourse after four days of my period?

Yes. Sort it out mate.

Can i be pregnant if Its been four days of a missed period?

If you had unprotected sex then there is a high chance.

If you period last four days can you be pregnant?

A normal period usually means no pregnancy, if you are unsure take a HPT.

Can you menstruate for two days and conceive in that month instead of four or five days?

Yes. The number of days your period lasts has nothing to do if you can get pregnant or not.

Could I be pregnant if I am four days late and have a clear vaginal discharge?


If a guy nuts in you four times before your period and your period starts on time could you still be pregnant?


If you been craving one certain food and im four days late on your period could you be pregnant?

Assuming that you have been having unprotected sex, then you sure could be, unless your periods are always irregular . . .

Could you be pregnant if your period is four days late and you always use the pullout method at lest twice a day or more almost every day?

You shouldn't be using withdrawal in the first place, because it's NOT birth control - and yes, you could be pregnant!

Will you become pregnant if you take the pill for four days?

The period is the time of expulsion of the unused egg. The body then waits for the next ovulation, which is usually 10-14 days after the end of the period. Therefore, it is very unlikely to get pregnant 4 days after one's last period. However, it is still possible.

Breast have been tender for four days but you dont get your period for 11 more days are you pregnant?

Personally, sore and itchy breasts were my first symptom. Even before I missed my period. Good luck!

Can a women get pregnant four weeks after period starts?

Four weeks would be near to the next cycle. Considering that the average woman has a 28 day cycle ( give or take a few days) this means on or about day 14 she would ovulate. In that time frame of day 12-18 she could get pregnant since sperm can live in the uterus for 5-6 days.