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No. You auto insurance has to pay first before the health insurance will begin to pay. Usually they want a letter from your auto insurance carrier to prove that all medical payments coverage on your auto insurance has been exhausted.

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Q: Will your health insurance pay first if you are in a car accident?
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Car accident bill health or car insurance?

Car insurance and possibly health insurance if the car insurance does no cover the entire bill.

What type of insurance is needed if you go to the emergency room after a car accident?

health insurance

Will my PIP car insurance cover my medical expenses if I don't have health insurance in California?

Car insurance wont cover health insurance. Car insurance will cover any medical bills related to an automobile accident you are involved in though. If you were in an automobile accident, contact your auto insurance company right away.

What insurance policies are involved when there is a car accident?

Auto insurance, and if you are hurt by the accident, then health insurance too, but you will need health insurance for the second to file a claim for injuries, and health insurance is optional. Auto insurance is required by law. If it is someone else's fault however, then they must pay for all the damage to you, your car, and themselves.

Will my heath insurance pay my medical bills if i was legally drunk when i had my car accident?

Over and above medical coverage on your auto insurance. There is no way you can get out of telling your auto insurance company about the accident, because the health insurance company will tell them about it first. This also depends on whether or not your State allows health insurance to cover such accidents.

Who pays for hospital test from car accident if you have no health insurance and are not at fault?

Assuming that another vehicle hit you then his or her insurance carrier would pay for your visit. They first have to accept liability.

Will your health insurance cover medical expenses if you are injured in a car accident?

As with anything regarding health insurance, it depends. Generally speaking, in an auto accident the question about medical benefits is secondary to providing the best care for the accident victim. After the emergency has passed is the time for figuring out who pays for the medical expenses. Often health insurance is asked to pay first. However, health insurance companies have a program called "subrogation" that seeks to ensure that the responsible party pays for their share of expenses. In the case of a car accident, typically the auto insurance will be primary and should pay medical expenses first. During the process of subrogation the health insurance provider will contact the auto insurance provider and negotiate who should pay the bills. See for additional information.

If another person has car insurance and has an accident using your car which car insurance is used?

The rule of thumb is that the owner's insurance pays first and, if that coverage is inadequate, the driver's car pays.

Will my health insurance refuse to pay if I am in an accident and if I don't have car insurance?

Your health insurance will cover you no matter how you got hurt. I can take a knife and stick it in my arm and go to the hospital and my health insurance will cover me. The only times your health insurance will not cover you is if you have specific exemptions in your coverage, which are rare.

If I was in a accident with someone who had insurancee in their fathers name and that insurance doesn't cover all my bill and his son got insurance through another company will that insurance kick in.?

NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

Can health insurance cover the balance of the claim of the car accident?

Yes, your Health insurance can provide coverage for injuries received in an auto accident beyond what may have already been covered through an automobile insurance policy. Your health insurance however is specific to you and the covered persons under your policy. It will not pay for property damage or liabilities for injuries to others.

Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.