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No. First, if you are renting the home, you cannot insure it under a homeowners policy. If the home is not owner occupied for 90 days coverage ceases immediately. You must have the correct property policy for the right situation. If the home is rented you need a tenant occupied dwelling fire policy to cover the home. Be very careful that you notify your agent of any changes in your use or anything else about your property.

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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover personal injury to a renter?
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Does homeowners insurance cover a renter?

No. That's what renters insurance is for.

Does homeowners insurance cover renter's property if you rent the house?

No. They must purchase their own renter's insurance. The homeowners policy for a rental only covers the physical property.

What kind of value provides replacement value for personal possessions?

Renter's insurance Renter's insurance

Does an owners liability insurance cover damages to contents of renters property if the homeowner is negligent?

No, a homeowners insurance policy does not provide coverage for the property of a tenant. That's what "Renters Insurance" is for.If the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, Then the renter was negligent to the extent that the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, perhaps with the mistaken belief that the owners policy would cover them.

Does State Farm sell homeowners insurance?

"State Farm does indeed offer homeowners insurance. They also offer car insurance, renter's insurance, and a variety of other services to most states in the United States."

What kind of insurance provides replacement value for personal possessions?

Renter's insurance Renter's insurance

Insurance for your artwork?

It is called a Personal Articles Policy or Rider depending on the company. You need to get your artwork appraised and then contact the company that provides your renters or homeowners insurance. Your artwork is covered in case of fire, etc under Coverage B of your normal homeowners or renter's policy, but a personal articles policy will allow for your artwork to be covered for all perils

Will your homeowners insurance cover your dwelling if you have a renter?

Yes, but only for the dwelling, not for your renter's belongings. be sure to notify your insurance company that you have renters, your rate will go down because they're not insuring your belongings...and be sure to tell your renters about renters insurance.

What are the types of insurance and the situations they cover?

Life insurance: When you want to provide for your family after you die; Renter's insurance: When your personal possessions are stolen from your apartment; Disability insurance: When you have to take a month off from work because of an injury or illness; Liability insurance: When you cause a car accident that injures other people.

What is the difference in renter and landlord insurance?

The diiference between landlord & renters insurance is that landlord insurance is a policy that covers property owner from financial losses with their property.Renters insurance is policy that cover the renter from financial losses or personal items.

What do various types of insurance cover or provide for a loss?

Auto Insurance - Repairs on damaged vehicles Renter's insurance - Replacement of stolen personal possessions Life insurance - Money for relatives of someone who dies Health insurance - Visits to the doctor or hospital Disability Insurance-wages lost because of injury or illness

Your renter started a fire and has renters insurance how much will it cover?

most renters policies only cover the personal property of the renter. The property owner typically carries insurance for the Hazard of Fire.