ding freon will make it colder, only if freon is low. if freon is low you have a freon leak so adding will be wasting time and money. more likely to need a new ac temp thermostat, which is no big deal to change
My first guess would be you are low on freon.
It is a low pressure AC clutch cut out switch. It keeps the compressor from running if the system is low or empty of freon.
An AC compressor compresses the freon and circulates the freon through the system. An air ride compressor pumps compressed air into air bags to level the vehicle and/or alter the handling of the vehicle.
The low pressure switch will do that when the system is low on freon.
Connect a freon gauge and can to the low side AC port. Start the car and turn the AC on high. Open the freon valve and fill the system to full on the gauge reading.
you mignt need to charge your ac with freeon.
Yes it needs to be on,and set for the lowest temp,and highest fan setting.
Make shore you have enough freon.
how do you check freon on central ac and what should the guages read.
Depending on the year, make, model and what type of freon it takes it can range from $100.00 to $350.00 dollars.....
First of all if you are asking this you should not be playing with your ac. To answer the question yes you will significantly reduce the life of your ac... as well as cause numerous other problems.
Freon is added through the low side ac pressure port. Connect the hose from the gauge and Freon and allow Freon to fill the system until the gauge shows full. The engine and ac need to be running during this process. Make sure to follow all directions on the Freon can.
For adding additional Freon, you will need the proper Freon type of Freon and connectors for your vehicle. The Freon is added through the low pressure port of your ac system. If your system needs a complete recharge then the air needs to be removed first (known as pulling a vacuum) before Freon is added.
What Ac refrigerant freon is required in 1989 BMW 7-Series? What Ac refrigerant freon is required in 1989 BMW 7-Series?
No. But you need to make sure the freon in the AC is full.
How much freon does 99 Tahoe with rear ac hold