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Q: Why the calcium is important for your health?
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Why is calcium important to society?

Calcuim is important to the health of a society, it is needed for healthy, strong bones and teeth. It is a nutrient. Calcium can also be used in chemistry.

What important mineral do we have in your bones?

Calcium is usually associated with bone health. It is found mostly in dairy products.

What is two examples of minerals necessary for good health?

Well, they are all important but two examples would be calcium and magnesium.

Which simple mineral is crucial to your heart health?

Calcium is the biggest one. Sodium is another. Calcium is important because it plays a key role in the heart's contraction and ventricular depolarization processes. Without enough calcium, the heart will not contract properly.

How does a shortage of vitamin d affect health?

Vitamin D is important for using the calcium you eat. Without it, parts of the body that need calcium have to go without. This is seen with softening of the bones, which leads to rickets.

Why is calcium so important?

Your question needs context. Why is calcium so important to what?

HOW is calcium important to the skeletal system?

the calcium is important It makes your bones stronger.

What is the function of calcium in the skeletal system?

Calcium is important for your health because it contains an element that helps to strengthen your bones, fingernails and teeth and makes you less prone to getting chipped teeth and broken bones.

Is there exercises one could do help with the osteoporosis disease?

Exercise is important to bone health at any age! Depending on your overall health and current activity level, you may want to begin with walking and gradually increase. A diet high in calcium is important to optimal bone health as well.

What health concerns about calcium?

chocolate fishsticks.

Why women need calcium?

bone health.

What two electrolytes play an important role in bone formation?

Calcium and phosphate are the two electrolytes that play an important role in bone formation. Calcium provides the structural framework for bones and is necessary for their strength and rigidity. Phosphate is a key component of hydroxyapatite, which is the mineralized form of bone and contributes to its hardness. Together, calcium and phosphate work synergistically to support bone health and formation.