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OK well it is important because as new info comes along the way we think or ourtheories change so as they change they get modified so that makes it important to keep up with the new knowledge and to explore the new possibilities of the modified theories for more info email me at

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Q: Why is it important that scientific theories can be modified as new information comes to light?
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Can Scientific theories be modified.?

Yes, all the time.

How do theories change?

Scientific theories can be modified and in some cases completely scrapped based upon new research.

Could a scientific knowledge be changed or modified?

yes because theories are always changed when found new evidence

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Sleep researchers are not sure why dreams are important, but there are many theories. See attached link for more information on the study of dreaming.

Why is it important to continuously evaluate current scientific theories?

New experimenatal data can lead to a better understanding of theories or can even disaprove them

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1905 was important because in that year he made his scientific theories that describe about light

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How do scientific theories develop and change?

Why are scientific theories needed?

scientific theories are needed because they just are heheehee:D

When are theories modified?

yes gas is a liquid

How is scientific laws different from scientific theories?

A scientific law describes the behavior of something that occurs. It is often described in mathematical relationships. For example the general law of gravitation describes the force between objects of various masses at various distancesA scientific theory, however, attempts to describe why something works. There are several theories of gravity, which attempt to explain why it occurs as it does.Both Scientific Theories and Laws are based upon observation and experimentation. They can be disproved or modified to accommodate new discoveries, and must make predictions about future experiments and observations.

Why do scientific ideas change?

Scientific information constantly changes as new information is discovered or as previous hypotheses are retested. New information can lead to changes in scientific theories. When new facts are revealed, a current scientific theory might be revised to include the new facts, or it might be disproved and rejected.

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maths is useful to tell scientific theories becaus