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The density of a gas is proportional to its molecular mass. Nitrogen (N2) contains 2 nitrogen atoms each with a mass of about 14 AMU (Atomic Mass units) for a total molecular mass of about 44.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) contains 2 atoms of oxygen, each with a mass of about 16 AMU and 1 carbon atom with a mass of about 12 AMU for a total mass of 44.

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Q: Why is carbon dioxide heavier than nitrogen?
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No. Carbon dioxide is heavier than helium.

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There is much more nitrogen in earth's atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Nitrogen forms about 79%, while carbon dioxide makes up about 0.04%.

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CO2 carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen.

Is carbondioxide heavier than air?

Yes. Slightly. **********2nd Opinion*********** Carbon dioxide has a higher density than air. Air density is about 1.3 g/L CO2 density is about 2 g/L

Is carbon dioxide more dense then air?

Carbon dioxide is approximately 50 percent heavier than air

Do you breathe mostly carbon dioxide?

No, air is mostly nitrogen and oxygen with very very little carbon dioxide (less than 1%)What you exhale is mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and some carbon dioxide.

Which gasses are heavier than oxygen?

Carbon dioxide is denser than oxygen.

A balloon filled with helium rises when you let go A balloon filled with carbon dioxide sinks Why?

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