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I believe you ask that because you have seen lightning at night, lightning is the color white and a little yellow, so then when it flashes, the light lightens up the darkness of the sky making it a little purple.

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Q: Why does the sky turn purple when lightning strikes?
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yes it can if a scientific science tis shots a purple laser to the sky

What direction does lightning strike?

Lightning strikes from the sky when a channel of charged ions reaches down from the sky to connect with a channel of the opposite charge that is reaching up. This causes a flash of light called a step leader when electricity travels between the charges.

Does lighting hit something everytime it strikes?

Lightning does not hit something every time it strikes. There are various forms of lightning. Lightning that is classified as "cloud to ground" lightning will strike something in it's path. Another form of lightning is sheet lightning. This type of lighting illuminates the sky and spreads from cloud to cloud.

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If you dyed the sea purple would in turn the sky purple?

No, the sky is blue because that is the color that is reflected by the atmosphere when light enters it. The ocean has no effect on sky color. the person who wrote this is a retard ^^^ the sky is purple duhhh your just stupid and cant see it

Why is lightning diffrent colors?

The color of lightning is affected by the color of the sky. If the sun is still up, the lightning could be red or purple. Most of the time, it is seen as white or a dull blue during the night.

What is colored lightning?

Lightning in the sky is colored oddly because the different temperatures of lightning make them that why. Mind you, I'm not exactly sure how they get hotter or colder, I do know that pruple lightning is the hottest. It almost reaches the temp of our sun.

Where did the expression out of the blue come from?

The full expression is: like a (lightning) bolt from the blue, meaning the rare instance of a bolt of lightning that strikes a long way from its cloudy source, seemingly out of a clear blue sky.

What is it called when there is lightning in a cloudless sky?

a cloudless sky with lightning

Is the sky purple or green?

it is purple(on purple tuesday's)

Songs with purple in their title?

It would have helped if you had given the artist. One song that refers to a purple sky is Purple Sky by Kid Rock. Another is Purple Sky by Greyson Chance.Another song with both the words sky and purple is Henry & Purple by Mike Posner.