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they always feel cold because the "fat" that was lost carried most of there body heat. if they where "fat" for along time they most likely used to that body tempurature.

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Q: Why does a person always feel cold after losing a large amount of weight?
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The feeling of losing weight quickly is probably satisfying to almost everyone because humans always try to look for that quick fix. However, losing weight quickly does have its consequences. If a person has lost a lot of weight quickly, chances are they did not do it in a healthy way. This puts them at a risk of gaining a lot of weight back and very fast.

How does it feel to lose weight quickly?

The feeling of losing weight quickly is probably satisfying to almost everyone because humans always try to look for that quick fix. However, losing weight quickly does have its consequences. If a person has lost a lot of weight quickly, chances are they did not do it in a healthy way. This puts them at a risk of gaining a lot of weight back and very fast.

How much weight to lose?

This depends on what your weight is now. But, it is important to have body fat. Women have more fat than male. Losing weight isn't always good, it is important you are only losing the fat.

Do Weight Watchers dinner recipes taste good?

Weight Watchers dinners really do taste good. They offer a wide variety of meals and desserts are my favorite. Its not always about losing the taste. Just cutting back on the amount that you eat.

What are the benefits of losing weight?

There are several positive outcomes to losing weight. A person will have an increase in energy. Even a small weight loss of five to ten pounds can lower a person's blood pressure and it reduces the risk of diabetes. A person who loses weight is less likely to suffer from aches or pain, and it can even help the person sleep better.

If you do nothing but eat less and do crunches and run will you lose weight?

Losing weight can be hard. If a person eats less, and exercises by doing crunches and running, they will lose some weight. The amount is dependent on how many calories they put in their body, and how many calories they burn.

What eating disorder is where a person is obsessed with losing weight?

Anorexia, bulimia, ednos +

Where the max weight exist?

in Europe The man weighed 1,070 pounds but is losing weight and wants to be the person to lose the most weight.

What are the benefits of losing?

There are several positive outcomes to losing weight. A person will have an increase in energy. Even a small weight loss of five to ten pounds can lower a person's blood pressure and it reduces the risk of Diabetes. A person who loses weight is less likely to suffer from aches or pain, and it can even help the person sleep better.

How much weight can a human carry?

The amount of weight a person can carry will depend upon the person. The stronger the person is, the more weight that they will be able to carry.

How do you loose a pound a day?

If your caloric intake is less the amount that makes up a pound, you can do it. Unfortunately, losing weight that fast is not good and it will screw up your metabolism. This is why people that go on severe diets almost always gain the weight back. Your body can't handle it.

A Food Calorie Calculator Can Assist Weight Loss Efforts?

As is well known, the key to losing weight is the monitoring of the intake and output of calories. Using a food calorie calculator will assist any person trying to lose weight by monitoring the amount of calories that are eaten. The calculator keeps a more accurate accounting of the food that is eaten and the calories which it contains,rather than trying estimate the amount. Therefore, keeping a food calorie calculator on hand at every meal can greatly speed up any efforts at losing weight.