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Sounds like a thyroid problem. Look in "Presciptions for Natural Healing" by Balch

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Q: Why do you feel cold at night and hot on a morning?
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What are the challenges of living in the African savanna?

the challeges are its relly hot there in the morning and cold in the night

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mostly hot in the morning and cold at night since they live in the dessert

How can people adapt to the hot climate in Italy?

Have cold showers in the Morning and warm showers at Night to ease yourself into it.

What are the changes in day and night?

The changes between day and night are: 1. sunlight in the morning, dark at night 2. temperature changes depend on how cold and hot the weather likes

How does a desert feel?

It feels very hot and dry during the day and very cold during the night.

Is it hot or cold where roadrunners live?

hot in the daytime, cold at night.

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When they feel hot they think it's hot n feel cold then they feel cold

Do savanna stay hot or do it get cold?

it stays hot but gets cold at night

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They get hot in the day but they get cold at night. Deserts can have high temperatures in the day and cold at night.

Why are rocks cold?

Because A rock is dense solid, it like to retain heat. the reason it is cold is because at night its cold, and so the rock slowly gets cold. rocks are not always cold, exposed to sunlight for sustained amounts of time and the rock will feel hot. break the hot rock open and the inside will be cold because of its tempature retention from the night before.

Is the air above a desert hot or cold?

night=cold day=really hot

Is Mars cold or hot in the morning?

Mars is too cold at any time.