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Viruses need living cells to produce more viruses. They are obliged to use living cells.

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Q: Why do you classify viruses as obligatory intracellular parasite?
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What is acellular obligatory parasite?

An obligatory parasite is a parasite which totally dependent on others for survival.

Is the reason viruses are called obligatory intracellular parasites because they require a cell host to replicate?


How does a herpes virus get energy?

Like other viruses, herpes is an obligate intracellular parasite. It gets its energy from the host cell's ATP.

Why are viruses intracellular?

viruses are intracellular because they need to use cells to replicate themselves

What are characteristics of viruses?

viruses are obligate intracellular entities and are considered to be acellular

What is the difference between obligate and facultative parasites?

An obligate parasite can only live inside a cell. This includes viruses and intracellular bacteria. A facultative parasite can live inside or outside of a cell.

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lichens, corals, viruses, corals, viruses and carnivourous plants are difficult to classify :)

Why viruses are difficult to classify as living organisms?

It is because viruses are not made up of cells

What are several things used to classify viruses?

Viruses can be labeled as RNA or DNA viruses and they can be said to have an envelope or to be "naked".

Is a grasshopper a parasite or host?

Both. They eat plants, so they are a parasite. They can be infected with viruses, so they can be a host too.

What type of organism requires a host cell?


What are the characteristics used to classify viruses?

size and shape