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Active chloroplasts with their chlorophyll comprise the green that leaves have when they're alive and active. Other pigments, provided by things like carotenes and xanthophylls, allow for energy to be absorbed that the green itself couldn't on its own.

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Q: Why do most leaves have more than one type of pigment?
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Why do plants that grow in the shade have darker green leaves than plants that grow in sunshine?

Plants rely on sunlight for photosynthesis (the process by which they make sugars i.e. food). They "trap" the sunlight with aid of a pigment - chlorophyll. This pigment is also responsible for the green colouration in the leaves. In the shade, a plant increases the size and concentration of chlorophyll in its leaves so that it is able to absorb more of the available light. It therefore appears a darker shade of green. Plants in full sunshine have more than enough sunlight for growth- hence they have smaller leaves with a reduced concentration of chlorophyll- their leaves are thus a lighter green.

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They have more than one pigment to cover more of the visible light spectrum and therefore be able to harvest more light energy.

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The leaves are more green on the upper surface because of the presence of a large number of chloroplasts.

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No, chlorophyll is not a protein. It is actually a pigment, much in the same way as the animal pigment heme.

Does photosynthesis occurs in plants having red and brown leaves?

Yes. Plants with leaves with colours other than green still contain chloroplasts (which are the part of the plant which does the photosynthesis). The reason the leaves aren't green is because other colour pigments are more prominent and they camouflage the green of the chloroplasts... but they do certainly still contain chloroplasts and undergo photosynthesis.

What makes the plants leaves green?

Chlorophyll is what makes leaves green. It is a pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize - i.e. it allows for the absorption energy from light. Chlorophyll appears green because it doesn't absorb this colour of the spectrum very well; that it, it reflects green light more than other colours.

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its colder in New England than it is in Florida, the colder it gets it stops the process of photosynthesis and the chlorophyll looses its green pigment!

Can a tree have million leaves?

Yeah they can have more than that!!