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England needed money to pay debt England needed money to pay debt

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because there were lots of gays in the colinies

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They needed money from the colonies to repay debts from the Seven Years War

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Mr. Scarbrough... Favorite teacher!

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they felt liked it.

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Q: Why did Britain abandon its policy of salutary neglect after the french and Indian war?
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Why did the colonists like salutary neglect?

It helped cause the African/Indian war of 1735

Why did the American colonists feel their freedom was being limited after the french and Indian war?

Salutary neglect

Should the colonist have felt justified in rebeling against England?

Yes, the colonists should because England ended the salutary neglect after the French and Indian war.

Why did Britain pay little attention to the colonies during the French and Indian War?

Due to a agreement known as salutary neglect, which is an agreement between the colonial folk and England for England to become very little involved the affairs of colonial folk. :)Happy to help.

What is the significance of salutary neglect?

The colonies becamecompletely autonomous from Great Britain and considered themselves their own entity with their own established government body. However, this autonomous attitude of the colonies also lead to the American Revolution because after the 7 years war (French & Indian war) the colonists had a bad taste in their mouths from Britain's forceful attempt to make the colonists side with them against France. After the war, the GB began to renege on the policy of salutary neglect and thus the many "tax" acts were set in place. At this point the colonists began to revolt against GB's sudden hands on approach and the Revolutionary war began.

How did British attitude change toward the colonies after the French and Indian war?

The British passed a lot of laws during the French and Indian War but colonists generally ignored them because the soldiers were to busy with war to enforce them. When the war ended there were a ton of soldiers with nothing better to do than enforce the law. Britain passes a ton of new to pay for the war.

How and why did British Imperial policies change after 1763?

Britain changed its salutary neglect approach toward the colonies because of the debt they had incurred as a result of the French and Indian War. Many in Parliament believed the colonists hadn't paid their fair share of the war costs. As a result, they levied a series of taxes on the colonies, hoping to ease their financial burden.

Why did Britain impose taxes on the colonists?

Parliment did this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, some believed that the colonists should help pay for the expenses of the army sent during the French-Indian war to protect the colonists. Also, under mercantilism, Britain wanted to use the raw supplies of America to fuel their industry. The Proclamation of 1763 was the start of the end of salutary neglect for the colonists as Britain began taking a more active role in governing the colonies.

How did salutary neglect lead to legislative assemblies?

I am wondering the same thing and what I've gotten so far is that because of salutary neglect, citizens were able to form their own legislative assemblies and were free to make their own decisions. ------ Legislative Assemblies did not form beause of "salutary neglect." It did, however, lead to stronger Legislative Assemblies. Legislative Assemblies were formed out of the same principle of the British House of Commons. The principle of government in the House of Commons was that government should represent the people. Englishmen in the North American colonies called for the same institution in their own colony. Of course, 'the people' only refered to property holders in nearly all colonies. At various times, each colony was permitted to develop its own assembly which, in theory, was supposed to be subordinated to the executive branch, the Royal colonial governments. Through what historians call "salutary neglect," the English government did not strictly enforce laws on its North American colonies, nor did it provide back-up support to the Royal Governors. As a result, the Royal Governors' power was less than it should have been, and they had to cooperate with the assemblies. This gave the assemblies much greater power within their own colony.

What happened during the era of benign neglect?

The British payed little attention to the colonies and how they were doing until they started growing and becoming a major source for trade and wealth. Not until 1763 did the era end when Britain was in huge debt from the French and Indian War.

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