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Viruses need host cells to replicate and this cannot be done by growing them like bacteria cells are grown.

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Q: Why can bacteria be grown in a petri-dish but not possible for viruses?
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How are bacteriopages used in medicines today?

Bacteriphages are viruses which destroy bacteria and so can be used where bacteria are a problem (such as in a hospital ward over grown by a drug resistant strain of bacteria).

Does penicillin have bacteria?

it is grown from bacteria

Can viruses be grown in lab on synthetic material?

No. They need living cells or tissues to be grown.

The cause of rising of polio and other new unknown diseases and viruses May be these are lab grown viruses What is your opinion?

There are many possible causes of the rise of disease and one of them could be that viruses grown in a lab and released into the environment. Other possibilities are that new gene variations being created through genetic engineering have unpredicted consequences, effects of chemtrails, substances in foods, increased pesicide use, etc.

Microbiology If there were no plaques on your plate offer an explanation?

Because viruses cannot multiply without a host cell, they cannot be grown in sterile media the way bacteria can. Host cells must be provided for the virus to infect. Bacteriophage may be cultured with bacterial cells in liquid culture or on plates. To culture on plates, bacteria and bacteriophage are combined in melted agar and then poured into plates. The bacterial cells divide and evenly cover the surface of the plate forming a lawn. Wherever bacterial cells have been destroyed by the bacteriophage, clearings called plaques will appear in the lawn. Because it is harder to culture animal cells than it is for most bacteria, it is also more difficult to grow animal viruses in the lab. Some animal cells will grow in culture dishes much as bacteria do and will form a single layer on the bottom of a dish that contains a suitable growth medium. Viruses that can infect these cells can be grown along with them. Animal cells that are infected by the virus will display visible deterioration. Some viruses whose host cells can not be grown in culture can be grown in living animals such as rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs. Other viruses can be grown in fertilized chicken eggs. However, because some viral host ranges are highly specific, each virus infects only certain cell types, I cannot grow all cells in culture, yes grow all viruses.

Who is experiment demonstrated that DNA is the molecule of heredity?

The Avery and Hershey-Chase Experiments • Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase provided the final experimental evidence that pointed to DNA as the hereditary material the team studied viruses that infect bacteria -the structure of these viruses is very simple: a core of DNA surrounded by a coat of protein -the viruses attach themselves to the surface of bacteria cells and inject their genes into the interior • the infected bacterial cell is then forced to make hundreds of copies of new viruses, which then burst out of the cell to infect new cells. • Hershey and Chase used radioactive isotopes to "label" or tag the DNA and the protein of the viruses -some viruses were grown so that their DNA contained radioactive phosporous (32P) -other viruses were grown so that their protein coats contained radioactive sulfur (35S) After the labeled viruses were allowed to infect bacteria, only the viruses with 32 P had labeled tracer in their interior • The conclusion was that the genes that viruses use to specify new viruses are made of DNA and not protein

What is the difference between a virus and a rickettsia?

For many years, rickettsiae and chlamydiae were thought to be viruses because they are very small and are intracellular parasites. They are now known to be bacteria because they possess both DNA and RNA, have cell walls similar to those found in gram-negative bacteria, divide by binary fission, and are susceptible to antibiotics that produce an effect in most bacteria. therefor it is A BACTERIA AND NOT A VIRUS. by God Omenmayor....the sustainer

Is bacteria green?

Bacteria is not necessarily green. In fact, bacteria cultures grown on a plate often show up as white splotches.

Why viruses are grown in chicken egg?

Don't ask questions you don't want/require the answer to.

What should you use to grow germs for a project?

Bacteria are usually grown in a shallow glass dish (a Petri dish, although you could use any dish) in a growth medium made of gelatin; you could use Jello. Viruses are trickier, they require living tissue of some sort. For an amateur, it's best to stick to bacteria.

What nourishes bacteria?

moisture noruishes bacteria. the wet damp atmosphere is an ideal conditions for bacteria to grow. the temperature also has a rapid effect on bacteria, the warmer the climate, the more easily bacteria is grown.

What can you do once you have cultured bacteria?

A person can not see what is in the culture until it is grown and then tests are run. An incubator is where they are grown in dishes or tubes.