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They are able to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic raw materials

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Q: Why are Maple trees and tulips are classified as autotrophs because they both?
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Why are Maple trees and tulips classified as autotrophs?

produce carbon dioxide and water as metabolic wastes

What is an example of an autotroph?

plants because they can make their own food

What compound is maple syrup classified as?

Maple syrup is not a compound, it is a mixture.

Why do tulips have the least amount of xylem tissues?

Tulips have the least amount of xylem tissue.

What category is maple syrup classified as in chemistry?

A sugar, carbohydrate, or organic compound

Why is the maple leaf on Canada's flag?

Since Canada has no national flower, there is a national leaf for the country even though there's a flower for each province and territory. It is the maple leaf. The maple leaf is a symbol of Canada so they added it to the flag. It is just like national flowers. In Holland, their national flower is Tulips and there are a lot of them. In Canada, there are lots of maple leafs and trees.

Does maple in maple tree have to be capitalized?

yes because it is a name

What does Canada maple leaf stands for?

because maple syrup is a big part of Canada therefore the maple tree=maple leaf

Which kingdom is the classification of such organisms?

is mayonnaise an instrument?

Why did they use the maple leaf as the Canadian flag's symbol?

The Canadian flag has a maple leaf on it because there are lots of maple trees in Canada and that tree is where they get sap to make maple syrup. It is also for symbolism because the maple leaf is a Canadian symbol.

Is maple syrup natural?

yes because its made from the sap of a maple tree.

Why are Maple leaves red?

The maple leaves are red because the sun shine to it.. =)