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Zeus is Greek god of the heavens and the supreme Greek god.The right hand man of the supreme God Odin, in Norse mythology, is Thor. Hew was known as the Thunder god, and was responsible for the great thunder and lighting which he created with his mighty hammer. In addition to the atmospherical creations, he also was the god of war and destruction; things that the Anglo Saxons held as grand reasons to live and breathe. Thor's feast day was called aptly: Thor's day. The Anglo-Saxon tongue quickly changed this to Thur's day or Thursday. Thus our name for the day named Thursday. Therefore, when people would pass each other they would say: Happy Thor's day or may the day be blessed by Thor for you and I. That means, if you tell someone happy Thursday, you are actually evoking the God of War and thunder to bless the person you spoke to. Isn't that against certain religious beliefs? Is it ok to keep the day named this? Happy Thur's Day!

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In Swedish Thor is Tor and and our Thursday is named after him, Torsdag.

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Other names for Holy Thursday are: Maundy Thursday Clean Thursday, Great Thursday, Green Thursday,Holy and Great Thursday, Red Thursday, Sharp Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Shrift Thursday, Thursday of the Mystical Supper.

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The Friday before Easter is called "Good Friday" and commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. Other days of the week before Easter are called "Holy (whatever)", with the exception of Thursday, which is called either Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday depending on local custom. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday.

Why is Thursday named Thursday?

Thursday is named Thursday because of Thor. In Danish (and probably Norwegian and Swedish, too) Thursday is torsdag. Thursday/torsdag is a tribute to Thor. Thor's Day --> Thursday.