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their fault because they werent in the cross walk

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Q: Whose fault is it if I hit a person crossing the street at night not in a cross walk?
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How do you cross the street?

look at the crossing sign if it says cross then cross the road

What do you call a road crossing the main road?

cross street

When crossing a street pedestrians?

When a pedestrians crossing the street they should look both ways to make sure there is oncoming traffic. Pedestrians should also use sidewalks and only cross the street at an intersection.

What action should you take if you encounter a pedestrian crossing the street where there is no marked cross walk?

Yield the right of way to them, as they are still pedestrians.

When crossing a street pedestrians should?

Look left <- Look right -> Left again <- Right again -> Listen Now cross __________ __________> __________

What action should you take if you encounter a pedestrian crossing the street where there is no marked crosswalk?

Let them cross n you should come to a complete stop

What is the meaning of crossing?

of Cross, The act by which anything is crossed; as, the crossing of the ocean., The act of making the sign of the cross., The act of interbreeding; a mixing of breeds., Intersection, as of two paths or roads., A place where anything (as a stream) is crossed; a paved walk across a street., Contradiction; thwarting; obstruction.

What do we call the person who carries the stop sign?

That person who carries the stop sign is a crossing guard who is in charge of a spot where pedestrians cross the road.

Is jay walking illegal in Oregon?

"Jaywalking" is not a legally defined term in Oregon law. It does not mean crossing a street midblock. The Oregon Vehicle Code states that it is illegal for pedestrians to: • Cross a street against a traffic signal; • Cross the street outside of a crosswalk without yielding to vehicular traffic; • Cross the street outside of a crosswalk at an intersection; and • Proceed in a crosswalk in a manner that causes an immediate hazard to an approaching motor vehicle.


to cross, crossing

What is illegal in Germany?

When we will not cross the road on zebra crossing then harmful accident not happen.

What shape is a railroad crossing?

An X. Because it is a cross for the railroad crossing.