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There will be a person that works for the newspaper or magazine which the crossword will feature in, and they will be in charge of using a computer program that creates the clues for the crossword puzzle.

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Q: Who write the clues for a crossword puzzle?
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What is a crossword?

A crossword is a blank grid puzzle that you fill in by answering the given clues.

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The clues for words that are entered horizontally in a crossword are labeled "Across."

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How do you get crossword answer?

To get crossword puzzle answers you look at the numbered clues and find out what they mean and what matchs the clue then you put your answer to the clue in its numbered space

What is a crossword puzzle?

Puzzle in which words are filled into a pattern of numbered squares in answer to correspondingly numbered clues and in such a way that words can be read across and down

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crossword puzzle

How do you successfully complete a crossword puzzle?

answer all the clues-using your word skills,those of friends,consulting a dictionary etc

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Hatch on the Hill is a crossword puzzle clue that is seen more than five different times. You have to look at all the clues to get the answer in order to complete the puzzle

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To solve the crossword puzzle in chapters 11-15 of Island of the Blue Dolphins worksheet, read the chapters carefully to find clues related to the terms or phrases in the puzzle. Look for keywords, character names, and significant events that match the crossword clues. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers based on your understanding of the text. If needed, use a dictionary or online resources to help with any unfamiliar terms.

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If "plow chops" is a crossword puzzle clue, some possible answers are: deere hew oxen mince suey shari till lop team loin No reference to "plow chop" could be found, except in reference to crossword puzzle clues.