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Which word is related to nose as chew is to teeth?


What word is related nose?


What is a simple sentence for the word appalling?

"The skunk smell was appalling to her sensitive nose."

What are the answers for the word ladder chew on this?

This is a copyrighted vocabulary builder on an educational website. (see related link)

What is the french word for chew?


What is the root word of chewable?


What is the African Luhya word for the English word chew?

The African Luhya word for the English word chew is Okhunyanya.

Does the human race smell?

Humans do smell in a number of senses of the word. We have the ability to detect thousands of smells with our nose. We also ourselves give off various aromas. People can identify each other by smell. Blind people are particularly good at this as their sense of smell is more relied upon.

What are the rhyme word of chew and crew?

chew-few crew-new

What does the word acrid mean?

sharp or biting to the taste or smell bitterly pungent irritating to the eyes, nose, etc.: acrid smoke from burning rubber.

How many times is nose in the bible?

The word "nose" is in the King James Version of the Bible 12 times. It is in 12 verses. Please see the related link below.

How do you use the word masticate?

The word, masticate, means to chew, as in "Masticate (chew) your food well before swallowing."