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Q: Which section of the Volcanoes page of the website gives you information about creating an emergency supply kit?
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Related questions

How does the ring of fire form volcanoes?

The pacific plate pushes up against the plates surrounding it; thus creating volcanoes.

How has volcanoes shaped the earth in the past?

its lava flow has hardend creating mountains.

Why is creating brochures an expensive and ineffective way to inform the community about the emergency operations plan?

Creating brochures is expensive, and NOT recommended as a way to inform the community about the emergency operations plan.

When creating a new patient file what steps would you follow?

A new patient file should have contact information off the patient and past medical history. It should also include insurance information and who to contact in an emergency.

What would you do with a emergency management degree?

Emergency management professionals engage in creating strategies for emergency situations that may arise within the context of a public or private organization, and then executing those plans should the unforeseen happen. An excellent source of information about career details for this field can be found at and searching for "Emergency management professionals career outlook."

Why does the cascade range have so many volcanoes?

volcanoes typically happen along earth's tectonic plates. the plates move and shift, creating both volcanoes and earthquakes. Volcanoes may also occur in the middle of plates or even over hot spots :D

Why are there more and more active volcanoes?

Due to the tectonic plates beneath the ocean moving and creating magma.

How were the hawaiian islands formedHawaii?

Under water volcanoes, then creating the big island and then making the other little islands

How do volcanoes affect the production of land masses?

It affects the land by creating new rocks and plants such as basalt and diamonds.

What type of fault is at the Aleutian Islands?

convergent, when an oceanic plate slides under a continental one, creating volcanoes

What do volcanoes have to do with rocks?

volcanoes are a rock formation that's what the have to do with rocks and when the hot magma (lava) gets hit with cold water the magma (lava) starts to harden there fore creating a lava rock

How do convergent boundaries affect the biosphere and atmosphere?

it effects the biosphere by creating earthquakes and volcanoes and the atmospehere by the volcanic smoke going into it. If there was no volcanoes then evrywhere would freeze because there is less heat energy.