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the central vacuole

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Q: Which organelle is filled with water and helps stop plants from wilting?
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Which plant organelle helps a plant recover from wilting?

The other plants didn't think it had enough swag so they killed it

What organelle stores water and helps keep the plant from wilting?

no the real answer is the cell wass aswhols

What is the importance of wilting?

Advantages of Wilting in Plants Though wilting is not considered good, there are few advantages. Wilting helps in reducing the rate of transpiration hence allow plants to conserve water and this prevents plant from over exhaustion in dry seasons as transpiration activities stops. Wilting also serves to reduce water loss, as it makes the leaves expose less surface area by modifying the leaf angle distribution of the plant (or canopy) towards more erectophile conditions. It develops drought resisting character in plant for survival.

What is the organelle that is mostly found in plants and protist tha t helps maintain its water balance?


What organelle helps a plant stand up?

cellulose and chitin help plants stand straight up.

What organelle in a plant cell helps with photosynthesis?

the organelle that helps is the chloroplast

What is an organelle that enables a plant to produce its own food?

The chloroplast, which contains chlorophyll, helps in photosynthesis.

Why organelle in both plants and animals breaks down glucose?

Hey brake down the glucose(sugar) into "ATP" which then the cell uses for energy. Hope that helps

Is RNA an organelle?

it helps make proteins

If a cell is compared to a plant which organelle helps transport fertilizer from the soil to the leaf?

The lysosomes is compared to a plant which organelle helps transport fertilizer from the soil to the leaf.

What organelle helps the cell make protein?


What organelle helps provide a cell with nutrients?

The ribosomes.