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D) providing government subsidies to manufacturers

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Q: Which of the following would Alexander Hamilton have proposed?
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Which of the following was not a view held by Alexander Hamilton?

A view that was not held by Alexander Hamilton was a strong belief in states' rights and limited federal government power. Hamilton was a champion of a strong central government and believed in a broad interpretation of the Constitution, which would allow for expansive federal powers.

How old was Alexander Hamilton Stephens at death?

Alexander Hamilton Stephens was born on February 11, 1812 and died on March 4, 1883. Alexander Hamilton Stephens would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 203 years old today.

Who died after being challenged to a duel by Aaron Burr?

That would be Alexander Hamilton.

Alexander hamilton believed the new government would?

accomplish great things!

How did Alexander Hamilton get his name?

His paternal grandfather, whom he would never meet.

Who opposed Alexander Hamilton's tariff policy on part because they believed thqt hogh tariffs would cause problems?

Thomas Jefferson and his followers opposed Alexander Hamilton's tariff policy.

What was Alexander Hamilton's position on protective tariffs?

Alexander Hamilton favored protective tariffs because it was an essential part of his financial plan. By protecting America's infant domestic economy, he won the favor of the wealthy classes (merchants and manufacturers).

Why would Alexander Hamilton be a good leader?

Because he helped Washington be sucesssful in his presidency

Why did the Southern States like Alexander Hamilton's plan to solve the national debt?

Funding and Assumption. He wanted a National Bank to assume the nations debt

What would Alexander Hamilton Agree with?

Which grievance in the Declaration of Independence was later addressed by U.S constitution