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nucleic acids

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Q: Which of the following contain the genetic code carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins?
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Related questions

Does plasma membrane produce proteins?

No. All genetic information is contained in the nucleus, not the plasma membrane, which consists of phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.

What stores genetic information in the cell?

carbohydrates, lipid, proteins, neucleic acid

What contains the genetic code lipids carbohydrates nucleic acids proteins?

Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA).

Does proteins contain the genetic code?

listen to question before typing. mistake

What are the 4 major classes of biomolecules?

Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, and Carbohydrates.

How do fats differ from proteins nucleic acids and polysaccharides?

DNA is considered as the genetic material . I guess it has adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine and proteins are made up of amino acids and the fats contain fatty acids and glycerol

What does nucleus of a cell contain?

genetic material, nucleoplasm, enzymes and proteins required for gene replication, and transcription.

What two macromolecules are viruses composed of?

a virus and a cell only contain genetic material - got it from study island

All cells contain genetic material for directing their activities?

yes. it even goes more molecular than that. all proteins inside the cell contain genetic material that "tell them" what to do. though for proteins the DNA codes for their shape and what they do is based on that shape. just remember shape fits function

What does the cell nucleus contain?

They contain a penis and an infected vaginal area.

What is in a bacteria's cell?

well in general, a bacterium cell will contain much the same material that a human cell will contain. it will have genetic material, (RNA DNA) proteins, cytoplasm ribosomes, and other organells

Why are the virus proteins important?

They form the capsid that encloses the genetic material and retroviruses contain the protein enzyme reverse transcriptase. Also the proteins, especial glycoproteins, are the key that enters the lock of a cells protein markers.