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Q: Which macromolecules in food like french fries?
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What makes your junk bigger?

french fries and junk food eat healthy like fruit

How are frrench fries put in a sentence?

do you like french fries?

When after taking ecstasy What is a good choice of food to eat?

comfort food like french fries, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes...

How do you teach your kid to ski?

Pizza, French Fries. To slow down, you make your skies into a V, like a slice of pizza. To speed up, you hold them parallel, like French Fries. Pizza, French Fries.

What kind of monkeys like French fries?

french windows

How many people in the world like french fries?

A lot, I read in a book that over seven million like french fries in just the USA!!

How many french fries equal the one cup requirement?

that depends where you are, like in America the smallest burger is the biggest burger in a McDonald's in Belgium so that counts for the fries too. But in Belgium when you don't go to the McDonald's you get allot of fries.

What do you think about McDonald's?

McDonalds is quick, cheap, convenient, and has good food.

Do people prefer fast-food or store bought french fries?

Some people might like fast food because they don't have time to cook, and then wash dishes.

What does french fries taste like with out salt?

fried potatoes.

Im 13 how can you make about 50pounds in a week fast?

eat tons of fast food like french fries, chocolate ice cream, ex.

What do contour lines never do?

They don't eat french fries like I do!