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The part of a nucleotide that can be removed without breaking the chain is the thymine for DNA and the uracil for RNA. These two components are the nucleobases of a nucleotide.

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Q: Which componet of a nucleotide present within a DNA molecule could be removed without breaking the polynucleotide chain?
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Which component of a nucleotide present within a DNA molecule could be removed without breaking the polynucleotide chain?

all i know is that its not phosphate

What is the monomer of the polynucleotide molecule called?

Nucleic acid is a polymer. The monomer of it is a nucleotide.

How many polynucleotide chains are in each DNA molecule?

hundreds and thousands =) : im looking at my book right now because i also needed this answer.

What type of bonding holds the two poly nucleotide strands of a DNA molecule together?

Hydrogen bonding between the complementary, nitrogenous bases (cytosine, guanine, thymine, adenine) of the two polynucleotide chains.

In DNA molecule how many polynucleotide strands are present?

2 polynucleotide strands make up a DNA and these strands are held togatehr by hydrogen bonds. In D.N.A there are 2 polynucleotide strands in R.N.A there is usually 1 polynucleotide strand.

Moo Moo Cha Cha?

A D.N.A. molecule is consist of two right handed long polynucleotide chain in the form of double helix which are consist of nucleotide they are dexoyribonucleotide and each nucleotide consist of aldopentose sugar of deoxyribose, phosphoric acid and ntrogen containing base( adinine, guanine, cytosine and thymine)

The two polynucleotide chains in DNA molecule are attracted to each other by what?

Between nucleotides, there is a phosphodiester bond between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the sugar of another nucleotide. Nucleotides (such as Adenine and Thymine) are held together on two strands of DNA through hydrogen bonding. This doesn't keep nucleotides together in a strand, but helps in the structure of two corresponding strands of DNA.

What is a polynucleotide?

Polynucleotide is a molecule that is usually in DNA and RNA. It is biopolymer composed and usually has thirteen or more nucleotides.

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