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Q: Which are characteristics of positive emotional well-being?
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I'm not sure why this question ended up in the "Motorcycles" category, but what the hey. According to Wikipedia, the Hauora is a Maori philosophy of health and well being unique to New Zealand.There are four dimensions of Hauora; Taha Tinana(Physical Wellbeing - health), Taha Hinengaro (Mental & Emotional wellbeing - self-confidence), Taha Whanau (Social Wellbeing - self-esteem) and Taha Wairua (Spiritual wellbeing - personal beliefs) There is physical, emotional/mental, social and spiritual caring.

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Asses the patient's wellbeing in handling a negative or positive response

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giving and receiving lovve helps develop positive emotional heath.

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These characteristics-Physical, emotional, mental, and social-combine to make you the unique person you are.

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1. Healthy Eating 2. Physical Activity 3.PSHE 4. Emotional health and wellbeing

How emotional security influence the wellbeing of children?

Emotional security plays a crucial role in children's wellbeing as it helps them feel safe, supported, and loved. When children have a secure emotional foundation, they are more likely to develop positive self-esteem, resilience, and healthy relationships. On the other hand, lack of emotional security can lead to anxiety, depression, and behavioral issues in children.