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Live birth from eggs are where plant aphids come from. The eggs and the newborns will be located around or on host plants in order to ensure the completion of their life cycle.

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Q: Where do plant aphids come from?
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Where do plant louses or aphids come from or spread from?

Adult aphids of breeding age have wings and fly to a new food source: tender vegetation. Some ants also "tend" aphids, and will actually bring aphids to plants in order to harvest the honeydew produced by feeding aphids.

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. This is referred to as a symbiotic relationship.

What is the type of food and mode of feeding of aphid?

Aphids (greenfly) suck a plant's sap. Too many aphids on a plant will cause the plant to wilt. Ladybirds are voracious eaters of aphids.

Do aphids spread from plant to plant?

Yes they do

What type of relationship is it when ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant and the aphids are protected by the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Mutual Relationship

What is the white dust on your vining plants?

Not sure what it is, but best if you mix dishwashing soap and water and spray it on the plant to remove it. Be sure to rinse the plant.

What are organisms that eat plant?

rabbits and aphids.

What type of relationship is in this scenario?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants, while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. What type of relationship is exampled in this scenario?

Do aphids feed on the phloem part of a plant?


Does many ants hurt a tomato plant in a pot?

I'm looking for this answer too. Does your plan have aphids? One of my plants (oddly, only one) is covered in aphids and white flies. Today I noticed ants all over the plant. From what I've read, ants will take care of the aphids and are generally not a problem unless they are damaging the fruit or vines. I noticed that the ants on my plant cleaned out the aphids on one of the main stalks and had moved on to a new area of aphids. I'd keep watching them to make sure they aren't damaging the plant.

What is the best organic control method for aphids?

Vinegar is a great way to control aphids. Also, tobacco can be put in a garden or other area of your yard to keep aphids at bay. Aphids can tear up plant life.

Do ladybug eat cilantro plant?

No, they only eat aphids.