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Do not return to the right side of the road until you can see the tires of the vehicle you passed in your rearview mirror.

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Q: When passing another vehicle when is it safe to return to your lane?
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When passing another vehicle you should?

not assume they will make space for you to return to your lane

When passing another vehicle is it safe to return to your lane?

Do not return to the right side of the road until you can see the tires of the vehicle you passed in your rearview mirror.

On multiple-laned roads the far left lane is used only for what?

Passing....that would be the passing lane...

Always stay in the right lane except?

When passing another vehicle.

When passing another car you must be able to return to your lane of traffic safely before coming within how many feet of an approaching vehicle?

100 feet

What should you see in your rear view mirror before attempting to return to the lane after passing a vehicle on the left?

The bumper of the car you are passing.

When On multiple lane highways slow drivers should drive?

. . . . in the right lane unless passing another vehicle.

When passing another vehicle should you cut back into the right lane until you can see the vehicle that you just passes in you rear view mirror?

When passing another vehicle, do so until that car is fully visible in your rear-view mirror. Once it is, signal and move back into the lane.

Can you get a speeding ticket while passing another vehicle?

In some states and countries the passing lane on a highway is reserved strictly for passing and you can get a ticket for driving in it when you are not passing. In other jurisdictions, you are permitted to drive in the passing lane. This is why you need to be aware of local friving laws when you are driving away from your home.

When passing a vehicle on a two lane roadway you must return to the right hand side of the road before coming within?


In a one way 3 lane road who has the right of way - a vehicle entering from the rightmost lane to center lane or the vehicle from the leftmost lane entering the center lane?

I would say the vehicle on the right is at fault, because the vehicle on the left is a "passing vehicle." You must always yield the right-of-way and keep to the right of a passing vehicle on the left. Or whoever has the bigger vehicle

You may passon the right of aonther vehicle when?

In general, only when the lane to the right of the other vehicle is an actual traffic lane, and not always then.The traffic violation "passing on the right" is generally interpreted as using the shoulder to pass another vehicle.