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The Enola Gay was escorted by two other bombers that carried cameras and a variety of measuring devices. Three other planes had left earlier in order to ascertain the weather conditions over the possible targets.

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Q: What were the names of the planes that escorted the enola gay?
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What was the name of the other B-29 airplane on the mission to Hiroshima with the Enola Gay?

The Enola Gay was escorted by two other bombers which we don't know the names.

What were the names of the six planes that were involved with the Nagasaki bombing?

Enola gay, Bockscar and 4 B-29 planes which names are not in the records.

What forced japan to surender what were the names of the two planes involved?

The nuclear bombs were the answer to the war and the planes were the Enola gay in Hiroshima and Bock's car in Nagasaki.

What was the other planes name besides the enola gay?

bock's car

What were the nicknames of the two planes used in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Enola gay and Bockscart

How many planes left for hiroshima on the day the a-bomb was dropped?

There 3 planes, the Enola gay and two bombers for escorting.

Who filmed the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

There were two planes escorting the Enola gay and Bockscar which had the equipment.

How many air crews trained for the bombing of Hiroshima?

There were 12 men on the Enola Gay. The mission to drop atomic bomb on Hiroshima involved 7 planes, but the one we remember is the Enola Gay.

What was the name of the planes that transported bomb?

They were named Enola Gay and Bock's Car. They were B-29 aircraft.

Meaning of enola gay?

Enola Gay is the name of the airplane that dropped the atomic bomb on Japan that ended World War II. Back then Gay was a girls name and didn't mean homosexual.

Why was enola gay called enola gay?

Enola Gay was named after the mother of the Hiroshima pilot Lieut Col. Paul Tibbets (Enola Gay Haggard)

Was there ever any acknowledgement given to the members of all the planes that were on the Hiroshima?

The two planes that dropped atom bombs on the city of Hiroshima were the Enola Gay and Bock's Car. None of the crews were recognized, but decades later, the mother of the Enola Gay pilot, I believe was presented with a recognition of some sort.