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Q: What were some music instruments in world war 2?
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How did they play music in the Revolutionary War?

they sang and created instruments with natural resources.

How did marching bands contribute to jazz?

After World War I there was a surplus of instruments from the bands that played during the war. Because of this, more people could afford instruments and the African American community could now play on many of these instruments and create their own music. In the long run this led to what we now call jazz.

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What musical styles were popular in the south after the civil war?

Some musical styles that were popular in the south after the Civil War included brass band music and folk music. Also popular were duels that included banjos, guitars, and other stringed instruments.

Why was world war 1 called the mechanized war?

becuase it was the first war that used mechanical instruments

What was some of the music that was popular during World War 2?

big bands and swing,i think.

What kind of music did they play during the World War I?

music was not around then

What music was in World War 2?

The Blues!

What war is about to take place in the sound of music?

World War II

What kind of music did they have in world war 1?


What northern city during World War 1 made it a center for jazz music?

Chicago, Illinois was a center for jazz music during World War 1.

How did music inspire soldiers in World War 1?

They liked the music becos they thought it would help us win the war!