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Q: What type of logical fallacy asserts an argument that is based on popularity rather than on evidence and reasoning?
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What is Descartes evil genius argument?

Descartes uses the evil genius argument to get everything except what he can be sure is true off of the table. He asserts that there is an evil genius as powerful as God that is deceiving him about absolutely everything. He cannot be certain of any of his thoughts in such a scenario. He cannot be perfectly certain that this evil genius does not exist. As a result, it is impossible to fully trust anything in terms of senses, memories, thoughts, or beliefs.

Humanism asserts that knowledge can be used to exert control over what and what?

one's life; the forces of nature

What are the presumptive argument structures?

The presumptive argument forms are:Appeal to Expert Opinion-A is an expert in subject BA asserts C about BC may plausibly be taken to be true about BPosition to know- In this form, you look at other people familiar with something, what they do, you should do. An example of this is:Bob is not from New Orleans, and is not familiar with the laws there.He doesn't know whether or not to yield to pedestrians.He sees the other people are yielding to pedestrians, therefore he yields to pedestrians.Popular Opinion- The use of polls or surveys to gather data. The argument structure for this is:A is generally accepted as true.If A is generally accepted as true, that gives a reason in favor of A.There is a reason in favor of A.Correlation to Cause-If there is a positive correlation between A and B.Therefore A causes B.There is a negative correlation between A and B.Therefore A prevents B.Argument from Consequences-If A is brought about, good consequences will probably occur.A should be brought about.If A is brought about, bad consequences will probably occur.A should not be brought about.Slippery Slope-A form of negative reasoning from consequence; once the first step is taken, it will lead to a chain reaction to a negative consequence.

Humanism asserts that knowledge can be used to exert control over and?

ones life; the forces of nature

Carmen asserts that a strong conclusion should look ahead and present a call for action.Carl agrees except he insist that a strong conclusion should restate the thesis vebatim. Who is correct.?

carl is correct or both of them are

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What is the definition of misuse of statistics in persuasive writing?

a statistical argument asserts a falsehood

What is the difference between a claim and an argument?

A claim is a statement that asserts a belief or position, while an argument is a set of reasons presented in support of that claim. In other words, a claim is the main point being made, and an argument provides the rationale or evidence to persuade others of the validity of that claim.

What is an argumentum ad fidem?

An argumentum ad fidem is a fallacious argument that asserts the truth of a proposition by an appeal to pious testimony or religious revelation.

What is aquina's design argument?

Aquinas's design argument is a philosophical argument that asserts the existence of God based on observations of the order and purpose evident in the natural world. According to Aquinas, the complexity and harmony in nature suggest a design by an intelligent creator, which he identifies as God. The argument is also known as the teleological argument, derived from the Greek word "telos," meaning purpose or end.

What is appeal to prestige?

It is a type of argument where one person asserts that their point is correct because their information came from a more well-known or socially connected source.

How do authors write claims in factual articles?

Authors write claims in factual articles by presenting a clear statement that asserts a particular viewpoint or argument based on evidence and research. They often support these claims with facts, data, examples, and quotes from experts to provide credibility to their argument and persuade readers of its validity. It is important for authors to ensure that their claims are accurate, logical, and well-supported to maintain the integrity and credibility of their article.

Who wrote the phrase 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'?

This is a phrase attributed to British astrophysicist Martin Rees, which is cited from a proceedings of the Life Beyond Earth & The Mind of Man symposium, 1972, jointly sponsored by Boston University and NASA. It is also mentioned by astrophysicist Carl Sagan in his book The Demon-Haunted World, 1995.The statement is made as an endorsement of healthy skepticism, but it often taken out of context to suit religious-based (i.e. theistic) arguments for god's existence. However, as the typical objection to this argument asserts, just because a proposition cannot be conclusively proven false does not, therefore, mean it is true. The point here is that the concepts of evidence and proof are conflated.Absence of evidence is absence of evidence, but it is not proof of absence. That is, proofs are determinate and definitive. Evidence is merely something that supports or denies the potential validity of an argument.

How do you write a research paper about philosophy?

Start with your intro paragraph, which should include your thesis. The second and third paragraphs should expound on that thesis, while adding supporting information with quotes and references. Add another paragraph if necessary to strengthen the argument and finally, a conclusion paragraph which asserts the thesis based on the evidence provided in paragraphs 2-3.

Which best compares an explanation and an argument?

An explanation is informative, while an argument is persuasive.

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are?

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are theirs from birth.

The author of conflict in rwanda asserts that the root of the civil war there was a result of?

the author of conflict in rwanda asserts that root of the civil war there was a result of?

Contradiction to St Thomas Aquinas five ways?

One common contradiction to St. Thomas Aquinas' five ways is the argument of the Problem of Evil. This argument asserts that the existence of evil and suffering in the world is inconsistent with the idea of an all-powerful, all-loving God. The Problem of Evil raises questions about the nature of God's attributes and challenges the logic of Aquinas' proofs for the existence of God.