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Liability Insurance

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Q: What type of insurance must every driver have in the state of NJ?
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Do you have to have insurance to have a drivers license?

To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance.

How much does a learner's permit insurance cost?

There are too many variables to give one answer that will cover everyone in every car in every location. In my state there is no additional charge for insurance that covers a driver with a learner's permit, since they MUST be in the car with a licensed driver while driving. Once they get their actual driver's license, THEN there is a charge for their insurance. For a best answer, talk to the insurance company that now insures the car in question.

What is the department of insurance?

Insurance departments are separate for every state. Therefore, you must check with your specific state's insurance department to get a complete listing of insurance providers in that state.

What is the minimum amount of liability insurance for injury or death of one person a driver must have?

It varies from state to state.

Every lecensed driver must have three items with them while driving they are?

Licence, registration, proof of insurance

What state can you get a driver license no matter what?

In every state, you must pass a driving test to get a drivers license.

Is there an age restriction for State Farm automotive insurance?

"This will depend on your state and the laws that are in effect. You would be able to contact any State Farm agent for the details, but you must be a licensed driver to carry auto insurance."

Can a car be registered and insured in one state to be driven in another?

Registration and insurance in any state will allow you to operate the vehicle in every state, but if you are actually living in another state, you must get insurance, registration, and a driver's license in your state of residence. The only exception I know of is that a member of the armed services may keep all of these from his state of "permanent residence" while stationed in another.

Who can buy car insurance?

In the United States, anyone who is able to get a driver's license can get car insurance. The driver's license holder must be have insurance in their own name, or they can be added to a primary driver's insurance.

If you get into a wreck while your license is suspended will it be covered in state of Texas?

Depends on the insurance policy. There might be a condition that any driver must be licensed for the insurance to be in effect. If it is your car and your insurance, you probably have a problem.

Can you drive a car that has no insurance?

Of course you can but it is illegal to do so. Every state has a minimum amount of insurance you must carry on any vehicle you drive.

How do you get car insurance with a learners permit?

You must either have a driver's license or be insured under a licensed driver's insurance. If you are a minor, your parents can add you to their car insurance.