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Type O negative should be used for woman of child-bearing age when given urgently to avoid complications of an unknown RH negative pregnancy. Cross matching is preferred for all patient whan the situation is not for resuscitation.

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Q: What type blood is used in trauma patients O positive or O negative?
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What is the full form of your blood groups like o positive b negative?

The groups are: A negative A positive B negative B positive AB negative AB positive O Negative O positive

What blood type does a 0 negative and a b positive make?

The possibilities include B positive, B negative, O positive, O negative.

Can blood be either B positive or negative?

Not exactly. Human blood may have positive (ca. 80%) or negative (remaining 20%) Rhesus factor. It means that that a substance known as Rhesus factor is either found or not in a human blood test. Transfusion of "positive" blood to a "negative" recipient may result in very negative consequences (but not vise versa) . A problem known as Rhesus conflict may arise when a Rhesus-negative woman is pregnant with a Rhesus-positive baby.The name Rhesus factor comes from Rhesus monkey in which it was first found.

Can a man with ab negative blood and a mother with o positive blood have a son with a positive blood?

there is a 50% chance of this

Is it possible for a patient with O- receive O plus blood type?

Yes, it is possible to give O Positive blood to O Negative patients, but it is not likely to happen. Blood Bankers are trained to "match" blood to the person receiving the blood and these two types, while compatible, are not a good "match". The presence of the Rh factor in O Positive blood is likely to cause an immune response when given to a patient that does not have the Rh factor as in Rh Negative blood. The opposite is acceptable. It is perfectly OK to give Rh Negative blood to and Rh Positive person since they will not be getting something they do not already posses.

Related questions

What blood type is compatible with all patients?

Depends on how you look at it. O negative is the universal donor therefore the highest demand for trauma and critical patients who will not survive waiting for a lab to type/cross a blood sample. AB positive is the universal receiver thus able to be transfused with any donor's blood.

Is negative blood compatible wiyh positive blood?

Negative blood can be given to someone with positive blood. Positive blood CANNOT be given to someone with negative blood.

What does blood type OE stand for?

There is no blood type OE. There are 8 different blood types, A positive and negative, B positive and negative, O positive and negative, and AB positive and negative.

Can a negative donate blood to A positive?

No, an O Positive person cannot donate to an A Negative person because the person who is Negative, or Rh Negative, will react to the Positive (Rh Positive) blood. Negative can only get Negative, Positive can get Positive or Negative.

What is the difference between positive and negative b blood type?

Human blood has a protein (rH). If you have rH in your blood you have positive blood type, if you are lacking rH you have a negative blood type. Negative blood rejects positive blood because it is lacking the chemical, however positive blood can accept both negative or positive blood.

Is blood pressure negative or positive feedback?

Is the clotting of blood an example of positive or negative feedback?

Can a person that has o positive blood and a person with a positive blood make a child that has a negative blood?


Can you give A positive blood to A negative blood?

No. The Rh Negative blood group is formed by an absence of the Positive factor.

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O negative what would the child's blood type be?

B positive or negative or, O positive or negative.

Can a mother with A positive blood and father with O positive blood have a baby with A negative blood?

No. Rh negative is a recessive gene. Positive people do not carry it.

What type blood does O negative and A positive make?

they can have a A positive A negative O positive O negative depending on genes of A

Can O negative Patients receive A positive Platelet?

Platelets do not have blood types, so anyone can receive them from anyone else.