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Q: What trait is associated with a high-level of health?
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Which trait is associated with poor health?

having low energy

Which trait is associated with a high level of health?

strong sense of purpse

Which trait associated with of health?

Generally traits that are associated with good health include clear complexion, good posture, clear eyes, balance in features and body porportions, and ease and smoothness of speaking and moving. Some things often associated with health are also associated with beauty as well like symmetry.

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How and where can you get an associated degree for mental health?

What the importance of family trait?

family trait will help you to know about what is the health status of helps you to know about the heritable trait in the family.

What health affects are associated with the ozone?

The health effects associated with ozone are:Suppression of immune systemEYe cataractSKin cancer.

How big combatlevel have to be that someone is highlevel in runescape?

i don´t know, you tell me! maybe 55?+

What Problems associated with the aged?

Some common problems associated with aging include physical decline, cognitive impairment, social isolation, financial insecurity, and chronic health conditions. These issues can impact an elderly person's quality of life and require support and care.

What are human health problems associated with the thinning of the ozone layer?

The health problems associated are:Skin cancerEye cataractSuppression of immune system.

What do you mean by syndicalism?

Any group involved in the production, transport and, at least highlevel, distribution of any illegal drug.