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Q: What scientist died the same year as Isaac Newton?
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How are the works of Galileo and Newton related?

I think that Galileo died during the same year Newton was born. Galileo Also Discovered Intertia Leading Isaac Newton To Make The First Law Of Motion Using What Galileo Had Discovered Hope this helped :)

Who said an object at rest will remain at rest?

Isaac Newton( an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force) :Newton's first Law of Motion.

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing the laws of gravity and calculus.?

Gottfried Liebniz and Isaac Newton are credited with co-developing the Calculus, based on work from Archimedes, Cavalieri, and others. But only Newton also studied gravity, and attempted to come up with a theory about how and why it worked.

What is the definition of Isaac Newton?

He was a great scientist who discovered the gravitational pull and discovered three laws of motion.Isaac Newton was an English Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer, Natural Philosopher, Alchemist and Theologian. He was born in 1642/3 (see related question for details) in Lincolnshire, UK. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge.He is one of the most influential scientists of all time and is most famous for describing the laws of gravity, possibly after observing an apple falling from a tree. In addition he described the three laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton showed that the motions of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are governed by the same set of natural law. In the field of mathematics Newton shares the credit for the development of the differential and integral calculus.The greatest scientist of all time.He invented calculus, described refraction, explained gravity and described forces and motion. He basically invented classical physics, and he did it casually, as he couldn't even be bothered with science most of the time.a scientist who discovered gravity and the three motion laws.Issac newton was the man to discover gravity, invent the reflecting telescope, define the laws of motion and the laws of refraction, determined the nature of orbits,and many other things.Sir Isaac Newton is dead. Who was Newton? He was a scientist who lived in the 1600's - 1700's. He did experimental research in Physics (called Newtonian mechanics for years because he developed much of it) and in Mathematics. He is mostly remembered for his theory of gravity, which many misunderstand. He 'invented' calculus. He worked with light. He invented the first reflecting telescope.Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientist and mathematicians that ever lived. He was born in England on December 25, 1643. He was born the same year that Galileo died. He lived for 85 years. Isaac Newton was raised by his grandmother. He attented Free Grammar School and then went to Trinity College Cambridge. Newton worked his way through college. While at college he became intrested in math, physics, and atromony. Newton received both a bachelors and masters degree. While Newton was in college he was writing his ideas in a journal. Newton has new ideas about motion, which he called his three laws of motion. He also has ideas about gravity, the diffraction of light, and forces. Newton's ideas were so good that Queen Anne knighted him in 1705. HIs accomplishments laid the foundations for modern science and revolutionized the world. Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727. Isaac Newton was a scientist from the 17th century, best know for the official "discovery" of gravity.

Why was Galileo's discovery so important and how did it help further studies of the same field?

it inspired people like the dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens and Isaac Newton. Its important to know what is going on in the universe because it could help us figure out 1. why the universe is the way that it is and 2. what will later happen to the universe that could alter the way we live.

Related questions

Who is the scientist that proposed gravity?

Isaac Newton but befor him many scientist says the same statement but they were not able to proof the statement then newton was the first eho provees mathematically the statement of gravity

Was Isaac Newton's Birth Father's name Isaac?

Hannah Ayscough

What are some new facts about Sir Isaac Newton?

Isaac Newton was 26 yrs old when he became a professor of Maths. Isaac Newton had a kidney Problem, that's he died. Isaac Newton died in Kensington, a place in England. Isaac Newton discovered gravity, by two apples, one falling on his head, the other ' he was sitting by the window when he saw, and apple drop down to the ground'.

What was Isaac's fathers name?

His father had the same name - Isaac newton.

How are the works of Galileo and Newton related?

I think that Galileo died during the same year Newton was born. Galileo Also Discovered Intertia Leading Isaac Newton To Make The First Law Of Motion Using What Galileo Had Discovered Hope this helped :)

What scientist first thought that everything takes the same amount of time to fall?

isaac newton. Although at the time a scientist called Robert Hooke claimed that at least a major part of Newton's principle had already been discovered by him. Newton's theory did by the way not take the 'drag' of falling objects into account, so his theory was at least flawed on that point. But in a vacuum, it works out perfectly.

Who created the law that all objects fall at the same rate?

Isaac Newton.

What are facts about about Isaac Newton?

Isaac Newton discovered the laws of gravity, studied astrology and was an excellent math student. He was born in the same year Galileo died and was a small baby. He contributed his talents to the world to prove that we wouldn't fall off the side of the earth and taught us about the study of the stars.

Who made the hypothesis that things of different weight fall at the same speed?

Isaac Newton

Important facts about Isaac Newton?

His father died three months before he was born, could not sign his name, but was a wealthy farmer. He threatened to burn down his mother and subsequent step-father's house with them inside. He showed little promise in grammar school. He was described as "idle" and "inattentive". Isaac was a very small baby not expected to survive. His mother even said that Isaac was so small that he could have fit inside a quart mug. Newton was born into a farming family. He was born the same year that Galileo died

Why does Sir Isaac Newton have two dates of birth and death?

Because he has the same name as his Father

Did Einstein invent calculus If not, who did?

No, Einstein did not invent calculus, Isaac Newton did. Liebniz did as well at around the same time and there was a major debate on who invented calculus first, but I think the more popular answer is Isaac Newton. Put Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy into wiki for an artcile about this debate.