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George Washington Martha Dandridge Custis Washington(June 2, 1731 - May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington, the first President of the United States. At the age of 18, Martha married Daniel Parke Custis, a rich bachelor two decades her senior. He died in 1757. They had 4 children: a son and a daughter, Daniel (1751-1754) and Frances (1753-1757), died in childhood, but two other children, John Parke Custis (1754-1781) and Martha Parke Custis (1756-1773) survived to young adulthood. Martha D. Custis married Colonel George Washington on January 6, 1759. Martha and George Washington had no children together, but they raised Martha's two surviving children. In 1804 George Washington Parke Custis had married Mary Lee Fitzhugh. Their only child to survive infancy was Mary Anna Randolph Custis, born in 1808. Mary inherited Arlington House from her father after he died in 1857. Young Robert E. Lee frequently visited Arlington. Two years after graduating from West Point, Lieutenant Lee married Mary Custis at Arlington on June 30, 1831. Link to the National Park Service webpage on the Arlington House:

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Robert E. Lee married the grand-daughter of George Washington.

Robert E. Lee and George Washington were 3rd cousins 2 times removed through their common ancestor of Augustine and Mary (Townley) Warner.

Robert E. Lee and President John Quincy Adams were both descendants of Edward I (King of England) making them distant cousins. This relationship was through John Quincy Adams's mother Abigail (Smith) Adams so it doesn't include his father President John Adams.

Robert E. Lee was a 2nd cousin of President William H. Harrison and 3rd cousin 1 time removed from President Benjamin Harrison.

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Is Robert E. Lee related to the Bruce of Scotland?

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