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Q: What plate boundary is a volcano most likely to form at?
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Can a volcano form far from plate boundary?


What type of plate boundary is a lava dome volcano on?

A lava dome is most likely to form at a convergent boundary.

What type of plate boundary is Hekla the volcano formed?

A diverging is the type of plate boundary that the Hekla volcano formed. Hekla last erupted in 2000. It is located in Iceland. ADDED. Also called a "constructive" plate boundary, because the upwelling magma adds rock to the edges of the two plates.

What boundary is it when a volcano formed?

Volcanoes can form at convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, and at hot spots away from any plate boundary.

Which boundary forms new crust?

Crust is formed at the edge of a tectonic plate by, when a volcano erupts, the lava or magma (same thing) hits the edge of a tectonic plate and cools and dries on the edge of that tectonic plate.

What type of tectonic boundary forms a volcano?

Normally a Divergent boundary because as the plates diverge, lava spews out, but they can also form at a Convergent boundary, or, although less likely, a transform boundary.

What type of plate boundary does pacific and N American plate form?

Convergent plate boundary.

When are mountains most likely to form at convergent boundary?

When two continental plates collide or a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate.

What does a transformational plate boundary form?

A transformational plate boundary forms earthquakes.

How did grimsvotn form?

Found from research, the Grimsvotn Volcano in Iceland is located on a plate boundary, like most volcanoes. But it's located on a divergent plate boundary, meaning the tectonic plates are moving apart, creating new crust material.

How did Cleveland volcano form?

On a convergent boundary.

What causes to form at a convergent plate boundary?

the mid ocean ridges cause the magma to form at a convergent plate boundary.