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Nothing it is where a part of the nail has become detatched from the finger.

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Q: What is the purpose of white half moons on the bases of your fingernails and toenails and why don't they grow out with nails?
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I have moons?

Everyone has moons on their fingernails and toenails. It's the little white portion on the nail that is closest to the skin.

What if you have large half moons on your fingernails?

Then it means that you don't have enough calcium. You should drink milk, it helps alot.

Do fingernails have eyes?

No, they have lunulas, that look like eyes. They are named after the moon, luna, and refer to half-shaped 'moons' that are lighter in color ear the base of the nail.

Why do the planets have moon?

In some cases, the moons were created from the same swirling space-dust as their planets were. In the case of Luna, Earth's moon, it is most likely that it was hurled out of Earth itself when Earth was struck by a gigantic asteroid.

HHow many moons do the planets have?

Answer: Pluto has 3 moons Neptune has 13 moons (some websites say it only has 8 moons) Uranus has 27 moons (some websites say it has 15 moons, 58, moons or 21 moons) Saturn has 47 moons (some websites say it has 18 moons, 30 moons or 61 moons) Jupiter has 63 moons (some websites say it has 16 moons, 28 moons or 60 moons) Mars has 2 moons Earth has 1 moon Venus has 0 moons Mercury has 0 moons

Venus has how many moons?

Venus has no moons. It may have had some before but now it has no moons.

Does Jupiter's moons have moons?

Jupiter's moons do not have moons. No moon in the Solar System has a moon orbiting it.

Are the moons on mercury key moons?

Mercury does not have any moons.

What are blood moons?

blood moons are moons that look red

Do any moons have moons of their own?

No moons in our solar system have moons of their own, but it's theoretically possible.

How many moons those venus have?

Venus has 0 moons.

Jupiter has approximately how many moons?

Jupiter has 79 moons and there are 4 major moons; The Galilean moons named after Galileo.