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-- The question doesn't specify the type of device where this cathode is found.

I have to assume ... since a range is specified for the assumed wavelength of

visible light, and because the question is posted to the < Visible Light > category ...

that we're dealing here with a device designed to detect visible light, such as a


-- The photons with the greatest energy will be those corresponding to the highest

frequency/shortest wavelength ... 390 nm .

-- 1 Joule = 6.24 x 1018 eV

-- So the cathode work function must be

hc/λ = (6.63 x 10-34) x (3 x 108) x (6.24 x 1018)/390 x 10-9 = 3.18 eV

or less, in order for the circuit to respond to visible light.

This number sounds quite reasonable for the process we're discussing here,

so I'm just going to leave it like that and quietly tip-toe out of the room.

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Q: What is the maximum possible work function of the cathode Assume that the visible region of light extends from 390 to 740 nm?
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