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The shuttle lands at between 213 to 226 mph (343 to 364 kph).

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Q: What is the landing speed of a space shuttle?
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Why space shuttle slow its speed on landing?

Because landing at 25,000 km/h is impossible.

Why does a space shuttle use a parachute after landing?

To brake and lower it's speed.

What is the landing speed of the space shuttle?

The shuttle lands at between 213 to 226 mph (343 to 364 kph).

When was the last space shuttle landing?

The last space shuttle landing was by Space Shuttle Atlantis on July 21 at 5:57 a.m. EDT.

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There was no space shuttle involved in the first lunar landing.

How was an Apollo landing on Earth different to a space shuttle landing?

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How was an Apollo landing on earth different to space shuttle landing?

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How Spaceships or Rockets apply brake in Space?

an upthrust is created by the shuttle wch makes the shuttle go in the diraction opposite to the direction of landing and thus makes the shuttle slow down its speed and shuttle lands

Are there anymore space shuttle landings?

Unfortunately there are no more space shuttle launches or landings. The last space shuttle landing was by Space Shuttle Atlantis on July 21 at 5:57 a.m. EDT.

Can space shuttle circle the runway before landing?

No. The shuttle returns to earth by gliding, so they only have one shot at a landing.

How is a Apollo landing different to a space shuttle landing?

The Apollo capsule landed by parachute in the ocean. The shuttle lands like an airplane.

What was the purpose of the enterprise space shuttle?

Glide landing training