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Q: What is the function of the reserved word class?
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You cannot have a function named else, because it is a reserved word.

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Function is a science class means work, or what it does.

What class of network is reserved for special purposes?

A class D network is reserved for multi-casting. The class E series of network addresses are reserved for experimental purposes. 240 - 255 are reserved for class E addresses.

A class network class is reserved for special purposes?

Class A(government) and E are reserved for special purposes.

Which word is reserved in c plus plus?

All C++ keywords are reserved, as are all variable and function names that begin with two leading underscores.

Why you use class keyword in c?

You may use it as an identifier, because it is not a reserved word in C.

What class network is reserved for special purposes?

Class D and E are reserved for special purposes. A Class D is 1110 the decimal range will be 224-239. Class E is reserved for InterNIC experiments.

Why every program runs with its main class name in Java?

The "main" function name is reserved and specifies the entry point of the application.

Difference between standard and user defined identifier?

A standard identifier is a reserved word. Keywords such as for, if, goto, return, continue, break, do, while, final, extern, static and so on are all reserved. Fundamental data types and modifiers such as void, int, char, wchar_t, double, float, long, short, signed, unsigned, const, mutable, constexpr and so on are also reserved. A user-defined identifier is any name (function, class, namespace or alias) that is not a reserved word.

What is swap in c plus plus programming language?

It is not a reserved word, so can be an identifier (name of a type/variable/function).

What is member hiding?

Whne you define a member with reserved word private, you hide it from other part of program except that class where it was defined.

Reserved word in assembly language program?

use of reserved word in assembly language