

Best Answer

Lemme intellingencify everyall about what the gene is about. It is a heredetary homoglobin extra fuctional funcution that can deduce the mind to all forms of genesifying there is.
Chromosomes are the thread - like structures present in the nucleus that carry genes.Different combination of chromosomes may result in different characters . the chromosome is a organelle that contains little bits and pieces of DNA (genes) and transfers to offspring.

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Q: What is the function of a chromosome?
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What is the function of each chromosome?

What is the function of each chromosome?"

What are chromosomes function?

a chromosome carries millions of genes

Function of a thread like cell?

The thread like structure that contains the genetic cell information is called Chromosome. A chromosome carries the DNA bound proteins that packages and controls the DNA function.

What relates the structure of the Cell to the Cells function?

It's chromosome complement.

What is the chromosome is?

Chromosomes are structures composed of DNA and proteins. They carry the genetic information of the cell. In eukaryotic cells they are located in the nucleus.

What is the function of the B4 Chromosome?

It appears that on the B4, there is a gene that reinforces nicotine dependence.

What is the rod shaped structure where genes seem to be located by function?

I assume you mean chromosome.

What best describes the function of meiosis?

reduces chromosome number by half, produces gametes

What is the function of telomerase?

Telomerase function is to protect the chromosome ends. This protein binds to the ends of the chromosomes solving issues with DNA end replication

What is a function of chromosomes?

A chromosome is transferred from parent to offspring and its purpose is to transport genetic material to the cell of the offspring

What is the role?

The chromosome's role is to tell the stem cells what to make and how to look like. For example, if you have brown eyes, and the genetic code is 01001, then that is what the chromosome tells the cell to look like and function like.

What is the terms refers to a region of a chromosome that has a specifiic function?

The region of chromosome that is generally thought of as the unit of function is the "gene". Genes are composed of both a "coding region"--that sequence that tells the cell's machinery what the protein will be--and a "regulatory" region, which tells the cell when to turn on the coding region to make the protein.