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the fastest man has traveled would be about 8000 m/s(the speed of a space shuttle in orbit) the speed of light is roughly 300000000 m/s. which is roughly 1/37500 the speed of light or .00002666667% the speed of light

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Q: What is the fastest man has been able to travel compared to the speed of light?
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The light wave, which is electromagnetic energy, is the fastest wave. The speed of light, which is a physics constant, is the speed of light in a vacuum, and no object with mass can be accelerated to this speed.

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No, light is at its fastest in a vacuum.

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All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in vacuum.

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they both travel at the same speed ? :>)

Can man travel at the speed of light during sleep?

No. Nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light.

What is the difference between speed and light?

Speed is how fast something moves. Light is a form of energy carried by massless photons, these photons move at the speed of light, which is the fastest speed that anything in the universe can travel.

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Sound travels the fastest in solids. Solids being the most denser make sound travel fastest as compared to liquids and gases which have speed of sound relatively less than solids.

What is the fastest speed attainable in space?

The fastest speed possible is the speed of light, which is 299,752,458 meters per second or approximately 186,282 miles per second. Nothing can travel faster than this.

What does light travel best through?

Light travels fastest in a vacuum with an approximate speed of 3.0 * 108 ms-1.

How many times faster does light travel compared to a fighter jet?

We know the speed of light, and if it stays in the same medium, it never changes.We don't know the speed of the fighter jet, and besides that, it can change over a wide range.Let's give the fighter jet the speed of 1200m/s- the fastest fighter jet.Then what we're really talking about is the speed of light compared to the speed of sound.That's (300000000m/s/ 1200m/s) = 250000 times as fast!

Which was the fastest the speed of light or the speed of sound?

speed of light

What color water does light travel through fastest?

According to the light spectrum, water should travel through a more violet coloured water the fastest. The speed of light through a medium is not governed by its wavelength, so colour is not a factor.